One of Wetherspoon’s youngest pub managers started working for the company more than four years ago as a cleaner.

Skye, 23, runs The Tichenham Inn having worked her way through the ranks from cleaner, then bar associate to shift manager and now pub manager.

She is responsible for a team of 28 full- and part-time staff.

Skye joined Wetherspoon in late 2018 after a friend told her of a vacancy and that career progression was a realistic possibility with Wetherspoon.

She said: “I left my job as a bar worker with another pub company to come here as a cleaner.

“I was doing just the same things every day – and there just wasn’t any chance of advancement or promotion.”

After a while, because she had had previous experience, Skye was offered cover shifts as a bar associate.

Her manager at the time, Lily, was clearly impressed – she asked Skye to become a shift leader in mid 2019, a little more than six months after she had joined the company.

Skye added: “I have a lot to thank Lily for.

“She really took me under her wing, teaching me about various aspects of the business and helping me with my personal licence.”

Skye was offered the chance to become manager at The Tichenham Inn in December 2021, when Lily moved to become manager at J.J. Moon’s.

She said: “Wetherspoon offers really good career progression, and I am a good example of how you can progress in the pubs.

“I am determined, motivated and want to learn more skills.

“Standing still just isn’t for me.”

Speaking of her ambitions for the future, Skye added: “First things first. I want to establish myself here and gain experience as a pub manager.

“Then, who knows, a bigger pub, maybe.”